
  • All the prices listed above include tax.
  • All photos are sample images.
  • Depending on our current stocks, changes may be made to some of our ingredients and menu items.
  • Please inform us at the time of your reservation if you have any allergies.
  • For children's dinner, we prepare a Children's Kaiseki Course for elementary school-age children, and a Children's Plate for children aged 3 to 6 years (children not yet of school age) for a separate fee. Please inquire at the time of your reservation.
  • Reservations are required at least one day in advance for Japanese-style lunches and the teppanyaki course. We recommend making a reservation early on particularly popular days.
  • We do not accept advance reservation for a la carte lunches. Depending on conditions, guests may be asked to wait. If dining locations are full, we may not be able to seat you.